Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jewelry Sale - Savings up to 50% off at BenThai Products

Huge savings on ALL jewelry items listed on BenThai Products, our eBay Store. Moving out all of our jewelry items to make room for more apparel and accessory items arriving soon.

Grab this quick link and get your bargains NOW!

Happy Shopping!
BenThai Products

Sunday, April 24, 2011

During Tough Times, Be Good to Yourself...for less than $20!!

Together, we're in an economic downturn with as large an impact on our daily lives as we're likely to see in our lifetime. As many of you all, I read the good, the bad and definitely the ugly of our circumstances that we live with now and will do so in the future. It seems like just as you see signs of a turnaround, you see others as a step backward.

Well, as our family and business deals with such circumstances, as do you and yours, I often remind myself that we are OK...cats and dogs CAN live together, kids are healthy and happy, we've adapted to a lifestyle that remains rewarding in so many ways and our BenThai Products business continues to grow and develop in positive directions. We've adapted the business to find a niche...quality hand crafted products, direct from our friends and family in exotic Thailand...over 90% of our items are under $20...including shipping! We think with so many of your daily pressures, you deserve to be good to yourself...and we love that we can be part of that.

Our thanks and appreciation for your support and encouragement...our business relationships with our customers is ever rewarding. See you at our stores soon (links below) and...Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Always Fresh Listings!

We know you have your "favorites"...those Stores and products that you
love to "shop" and keep coming back for more. That's why at BenThai
Products, we work hard to keep delivering to our wonderful customers, fresh
new listings. That way, when you visit us several times each month,
like so many of you do, you can always see new items that are fresh and

This Spring has been so much fun...we've presented new purses, hobos,
silk shoulder bags and more, so that you can always find something new
to check out. Hundreds of new selections introduced with even more
coming in stock each keep checking in with us.

Thanks always for your wonderful support...Happy Shopping!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gotta love a BenThai Products

We understand you have to sell through a variety of online venues, like we currently do on our Stores...eBay, Etsy and Bonanza. Now for those that LOVE to bargain, make an offer, looking for "deals"...try us on Lots of listings just for those that love the art of the deal!

Check us out today...

See ya there!

Monday, April 4, 2011

What a Weekend Will Do...

Feeling haggard, a bit worn thin from the daily efforts into our Stores, it was beyond time for my business partner, my lovely bride, and I to bail for the weekend. Get out before burn out...overstated, but you get the picture...we needed a break!

Being within close proximity to a border, we decided to take the drive and enjoy a weekend of cultural we did. A hotel along the sea, dinners, walking about, markets...all the R&R things we all like when we escape. Felt great, mission accomplished and arrived back home late afternoon Sunday. Dropped the bags in the bedroom, then checked in with our Store(s) status...15 open questions, 40+ items to was beginning to look a lot like Xmas, so the jingle goes.

OK...we're in...and five hours later, all finished and ready for slumber.

Good news my fellow Sellers...your online Stores...our eBay, Etsy and Bonanza Stores keep working while we don't. Nice to know that you can take a short break, or just go to sleep each evening, and while you're "away" you keep marketing, promoting, selling your products. Take a break when brings forth all kinds of "benefits".

Happy Shopping...Happy Selling.